A personal
journey into

“Freedom is a man’s capacity to take a hand in his own development.
It is our capacity to mold ourselves.”

-Rollo May

My Why

Greetings! Thank you for visiting my website!

As a clinician, I’ve certainly felt the productivity crunch from management, and have struggled to spend quality time with my patients so that I could understand them better. This made clinical practice very frustrating. While I felt that I should have been able to help my patients more, I faced barriers such as time, productivity pressure, and I also felt that I just did not have the knowledge or skills to effectively approach person-centered care. These feelings were particularly strong when working with patients with persistent pain.

This frustration prompted me to shift gears, and I embarked on a PhD which focuses on person-centered care in persons with persistent low back pain. I am still on that journey, currently in the throes of researching the philosophy, and I’ve had the opportunity to read and explore extensively. My intention is to blend the knowledge and understanding of person-centered care gained from my research with my nearly 20 years of full-time clinical experience  to help bridge the gap between a challenging, productivity-driven clinical environment and better patient care. In doing so, I hope to make person-centered care less of a far-fetched ideal, and more of a real possibility for busy clinicians.

Come along for the ride here

Have a look around:

caring hands

This is a substack blog of short stories about some of my experiences in the clinic, and the lessons I’ve learned from them. 

My blog aims to explore everything about person-centered care.

Here you will find my completed projects and also what I am currently working on.